The Namibia Project was founded in 1999 at the ACS Cobham International School. In 2015, the Namibia Project Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) was registered with the UK Charity Commission.
Back in 1999, it had relatively humble origins: the plan was to offer just 20 students and 2 teachers at the school the chance to spend a month in Namibia, exploring and learning about a country that for many, was as far away from their consciousness as it was in actual physical miles (that’s 7,617 miles, to be precise).
The Namibia Project is all about creating life chances, in fact this informs everything we do.
We want to support Namibia through sponsorship and raising money to help fund education, as well as the means to meet basic welfare needs – the essentials that all of us in the Western world take for granted.
Our focus is on making a difference at grassroots level. On the things that make practical change happen, such as clean water, food and electricity. Hands-on details like solar lights to replace candles, HIV/AIDS awareness workshops, computer lessons. School uniforms, furniture and sports equipment. A hostel, a community hall. Even a truck to take children and orphans to hospital, should this be necessary.
We also raise funds to enable educational sponsorships, giving life-changing opportunities to a limited number of young people.
The Namibia Project is a UK-based charity that works solely in Namibia.
You can read more about these areas here…
The Namibia Project makes a tangible difference to the lives of orphans and vulnerable children in Namibia. Would you like to get involved? Why not get in touch today?

Since 1998, under the stewardship of Ann and Rijn Brandse, 433 students from the ACS Cobham International School made an annual expedition to Namibia, fuelling a vibrant cultural exchange and raising hundreds of thousands of pounds for struggling rural schools.
The Namibia Project became an independent registered charity in 2015 and continues to support some of the most vulnerable learners in the country.
After the Brandses announced their retirement in 2024, the Namibia Project elected a new board to safeguard their legacy of service and care and maximise its impact into the future.

Ilaria is a UK civil servant with a background in international trade, development and health policy. She has worked at the British embassy in Paris, the UK Department of Health and the World Bank, and served as an Overseas Development Institute Fellow in Durban, South Africa. Ilaria holds a BA in European Social and Political Studies from University College London and an MA in International Relations from Johns Hopkins University.

VADIM NIKITIN (Namibia Expedition 2001) - CO-CHAIR
Vadim is a researcher and commentator on corruption, financial crime and political risk. He is a regular contributor to the London Review of Books and the Nation, as well as other major international publications. Vadim holds a BA in government from Harvard College and an MA in sociology from the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban, South Africa. Both he and Ilaria are ACS Cobham alumni.

Jessica has 15 years of experience in nonprofit management, philanthropy, organisational strategy and communications. She has worked in communications and strategy for nonprofits and foundations. Jessica received a BA in International Studies from UC San Diego, an MA in International Conflict Studies from King’s College London, and an MBA from the University of San Diego. Jessica is an ACS Cobham alumna.

WENDY BRANDSE (Namibia Expeditions 2005 & 2013) - TREASURER
Wendy is an early years educator who has an interest in outdoor learning and the integration of new technologies in the classroom. She holds an BA (Hons) in Education with Qualified Teaching Status from Durham University and an MA in Creative and Media Education from Bournemouth University. Wendy has been involved in the Namibia Project since its inception in 1998. Wendy is an ACS Cobham alumna.

ISSY ADAMOPOULOS (Namibia Expedition 2019) - FUNDRAISING
Issy visited Namibia in 2019 and met many students just as studious as her, but she realised quickly that they had far more obstacles in their way. She has since been passionate about affording equal opportunities to children and students in Namibia. Issy has a degree in law and is currently training to be a Barrister.

Andreas is an engineering scientist and a passionate research and innovation (R&I) professional with extensive experience in the energy sector, particularly in delivering R&I projects focused on achieving a decarbonised energy system. Andreas holds a PhD in Engineering Science from Oxford, an MSc (Cum Laude) in High Voltage Engineering from the University of Stellenbosch, and a BSc (First Class Honours) in Electrical Engineering from the University of Cape Town.

SUE LOWE (Namibia Expeditions 2009, 2012, 2014 & 2016) - FUNDRAISING
Sue Lowe is the mother of four boys who all went on the Namibia Expedition – Teddy in 2009, Jimmy in 2012, Michael in 2014 and Matthew in 2016. In addition to fundraising for the Namibia Project, she was the chairperson for Career Day and Graduation Committee, Treasurer of the Booster Club and IYS and a Boy Scout Leader at ACS Cobham. Sue has a BA in Economics and French from Bucknell University. The Namibia Project holds a very special place in her heart.

Samuel works with environmental charities to deliver biodiversity projects across the UK and has been involved with charities since shortly after moving to England in 2014. He has experience with raising corporate funds for charities and previously managed a small charity shop. Samuel holds a BSc in Biomedical Science from the University of Southampton and is an ACS Cobham alumnus.