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The Namibia Project is based in the UK and with the ACS Cobham International School, works solely to support our partner schools in Namibia.




Namibia, a country in south west Africa is truly breath taking.  Few countries in Africa can match its sheer, natural beauty.  Did you know that it’s one of the best places on the continent to watch wildlife? 

However, its politics tells a complicated story of colonial settlement and oppression, with the effects of the South African apartheid regime echoing into modern generations.  

Also, it has difficult climactic conditions; mostly desert, it’s a hot, dry country with erratic rainfall.  Prolonged periods of drought remain a key problem.  With quality education hard to come by, and a high HIV/AIDS rate, it’s perhaps little wonder that over half the country lives below the poverty line.

Whilst we can’t change the whole world, the Namibia Project adheres strictly to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – basic human rights that belong to all of us: health, education, shelter and security.  These are the fundamental lodestones by which we operate. 

And nowhere is this more pressing than in the environments that we have chosen as our focus:

  • We have a strong working partnership with the IlKhuta!hoas Primary School near Berseba in the Kharas region in the southern part of Namibia.

  • The Namibia Project also has connections with the Dr. Alpo Mauno Mbamba Junior Secondary School in Rundu in the north of the country. 


Importantly, these two schools have been able to develop means to help themselves as a result of our fund-raising. With motivation, the people with the least are making a sustainable future for themselves. They’re achieving more, not less. 

Our aim is to relieve sickness and financial hardship. Whilst we’re getting there, the battle goes on.  Get involved with the Namibia Project.  We truly are saving our own lives when we help save the lives of others.

You CAN make a difference.  Contact us today.



Newsletter and Financial Report 2019






We are improving the Food Security for llKhuta!hoas Primary School


We are developing a sustainable the school garden by providing shade cover, raised beds, improved irrigation and purchasing high yield drought resistant seeds. We are being advised and supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry. The Rossing Foundation have shared their plans for their  “Dreamland Garden” at Arandis and the (NaDEET) Namib Desert Environmental and Educational Trust have offered support.

Total Costs: £4500



We have also sold 55 goat certificates to families and friends

This enables us to purchase a small herd of goats for five vulnerable families in the llKhuta!hoas village and to supply them with medication for the treatment of ringworm. The Village Elders and the llKhuta!hoas School Board have drawn up the criteria by which the families are accepted and the Namibia 2018 team will hand out “Certificates of Ownership’ to the families at the Ox BBQ celebration for the community.

Total cost of the goats £2750

We are improving the Food Security for llKhuta!hoas Primary School

By purchasing protein rich foods for the Orphans and Vulnerable Children as a winter food supplement.

Total Costs: £4500



Improving Physical Activities for all learners. llKhuta!hoas Primary School has constructed a new sports pitch and 300m track. We have provided funds to fence the areas and to purchase new sports equipment so that llKhuta!hoas will have a facility to use daily for local sports and also to host the interschool competitions.

During the Project Phase of the expedition the Namibia 2018 team will be organizing the llKhuta!hoas Primary School Sports Day with formal and fun races plus prizes.

Costs: £556

Raising Awareness of basic hygiene for good health

We will provide supplies for 120 first aid kits for the school, hostel and community and will purchase 120 blankets for the hostel and members of the llKhuta!hoas Community

Costs: £1200


Namibia has a teacher shortage and many school rely on assistants.

The OneBillion Charity, based in the UK have developed teaching apps to help teach basic numeracy and literacy to the children in Developing Countries by using tablets. The Namibia 2018 team will purchase10 i”Pads from MacBank who have confirmed that they will sell them at cost. OneBillion have donated the apps and Ms Brandse will teach some members of the 2018 team about how they can teach the teachers and learners at llKhuta!hoas to use this technology.

Total Cost: £850

Professional Development Vouchers for llKhuta!hoas Staff and the School Board

The team will present these vouchers to the teachers, the secretary, the cleaner, the boarding housemothers and the school board. The vouchers can only be exchanged for books and/or clothes in Keemanshoop.

Total Cost: £1000

Basic School Supplies

We have purchased sets of equipment for each of the four classes plus the pre-primary class and will purchased new library books from a local supplier.

Total Cost: £1500


NaDEET – Namib Desert Environmental and Educational Trust  

The 2018 team have sponsored a 5 day Primary School residential workshop at NaDEET. The concepts taught are linked to the government science curriculum, the Global Goals of Sustainability and will focus on energy, water, waste and biodiversity.

The Namibia team will visit NaDEET in June to see the programme in action and meet the primary school learners who have been sponsored by the 2018 team.

Total Cost £2500

llKhuta!hoas Scholarship Appeal

Completing High School education is vital for the development of the children from llKhuta!hoas Primary School as it will prepare their career path and give them a broader range of life experiences.

Kaits!beb Combined School is approximately 2 hours drive from the llKhuta!hoas Village and so the children from llKhuta!hoas have to board. School fees are paid for by the Namibia Government but the hostel boarding fees, transport and school uniform have to be paid by the parents. Some children are unable to attend the high school in Berseba because of poverty and others drop out of high school as they ‘feel different’ when they do not have the funds to purchase a set of home clothes, shoes and toiletries.

We have added a small personal allowance for these items and the cost of sending a llKhuta!hoas child to boarding school in Berseba is £110 pounds per child per year.

Namibia 2017 paid for 11 learners to attend Kaits!beb Boarding School in January 2018 and have provided new school uniforms, shoes and a set of home clothes.


2018 would like to be able to do the same with your support?

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