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The Namibia Project Charity will support Oliver and Irmgard on how to successfully transition from student life to working life to ensure that their career gets off to the best start in 2023.

ACS Namibia 2018 students, Valeria and Samuel* linkup with the University Scholarship students.

Irmgard and Oliver who were starting University in Windhoek in January 2019.

(*Samuel is now a trustee on the board of the Namibia Project Charity)

Oliver and Irmgard’s journey started in 2016 when Dr Alpo Mauno Mbamba JS School came to the UK to take part in an academic and cultural exchange with ACS International School, Cobham.

In July 2018 the ACS Namibia Project student expedition team visited Dr Alpo JS School in Rundu and linked up with Oliver and Irmgard who were the recipients of the charity’s University Scholarship Award.


Irmgard, Oliver and Andreas visit the Avis Dam at the start of the Spring in Namibia

I trust you are doing well and keeping safe from Covid-19. We are observing that the UK

appears to have found some normalcy as far as the Covid-19 pandemic is concerned. Namibia has also made tremendous progress in slowing down the transmission of Covid-19 and the deaths have also significantly declined. This is good news for the country's economy and it also means that most businesses, schools, and institutions of higher learning were able to return to full functioning. The vaccination rate however still needs significant improvement.

Returning to full functioning for businesses, schools, and institutions of higher learning has meant that it has been a busy period for everyone, trying to make up for the lost time of reduced functioning that had persisted for some time. I had a catch-up time with students, Irmgard and Oliver, last Saturday (18/09). We met up on the morning of Saturday for a leisure walk along the Avis Dam in one of the suburbs of Windhoek. We drove there in my car and took a lovely walk while catching up. It was a pleasant walk in the bask of the cool breeze from the dam and the invigorating scenery of blossoming flowers.

This time, there are no major developments to report on. The students have reported that they are progressing well with their assessment activities. As you will see in the attached photographs, the students are in good health. There are no major issues regarding their accommodation, except for Oliver whose residence continues to experience unstable internet connections. I have sent a follow-up email, but still have not heard from Vivien.

We had a buffet lunch after our walk at Roof of Africa -- (you must try out this restaurant when you visit Windhoek). I broke the news to the students about my transition to the UK and it was a bitter-sweet moment to share this with them. I will miss having one-on-one engagements with the students, but I have urged Irmgard and Oliver to stay in touch, and we have agreed to continue to have regular catch-up meetings (albeit virtual).

We hope to resume with regular virtual meetings once my transition is complete, most likely from January 2022. I have explained to the students that they are still welcome to drop me a text (or WhatsApp) message or email whenever there is a matter that we need to resolve.


The Namibia Project charity have bought a full set of new tyres for the “school bakkie”

In 2013 a Toyota Hilux flatbed truck (Bakkie) was purchased for llKhũta!hoas Primary School thanks to a generous donation by the Mayer family.

The Namibia Project spent a great deal of time ensuring that everyone understood that the school owned the vehicle and that it was the school that would nominate three drivers for the Toyota pick-up.

The Namibia Project’s decision to present the vehicle to llKhũta!hoas Primary School was

made because the school is one of the remotest schools in Namibia and access to a “school

bakkie” would enable:

  • The school to participate in interschool sports like athletics, soccer and netball.

  • Allow teachers to attend in-service courses run by the school's inspectorate.

  • Provide transport for the older learners from llKhũta!hoas to attend a boarding school at Kaitsi!Gubeb Combined School, Berseba.

  • The school bakkie would also be used to transport vital food and medical supplies to the school and community hostel from Keetmanshoop.

  • The Namibia Project was aware that the vehicle could also provide for members of the community, in the case of emergencies to be transport to the nearest hospital.

The llKhũta!hoas Primary School Vehicle


Book by Colin Butfield and Jonathan Hughes.

In September 2018, under the vast Namibian desert sky, the Earthshot Prize was born. In the introduction to this book HRH Prince William states that beyond the visual wonders of Namibia there is an even more inspiring story. Namibia is a world leader in developing and implementing a modern way of doing wildlife conservation that puts people first.

PLEASE READ HRH PRINCE WILLIAM’S INTRODUCTION to this book as it demonstrates the unique power of human beings and their ability to lead, innovate and problem solve.

The Namibia Project charity has seen at first-hand how our partner schools in Namibia have simple, positive solutions that can have wide reaching benefits for both humans and nature. It is exciting and rewarding to see that the country and its’ people are being recognised on the world stage.

Ann and Rijn Brandse

1st November 2021


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